
Dual Purpose New Business/In-Force Illustration Systems
- Universal Life, Par, Term products
- G2/G3 Tax Calculations
- Multi-application Tax Test Engines
- Our combined New Business/In-Force Illustration Systems use a single calculation engine; New Business becomes just a subset of In-Force
- Dual GUI – new business style to ease the learning curve, transactional for access to all possible features
- Integrated with the client company’s admin system at multiple points
ADVANTAGES of our Dual-purpose New Business/In-Force Illustration System
- One calculation engine means significantly less testing
- The In-Force GUI is very much the same as the Sales Illustration System. No extra training is required. It’s easy to use
- Fast products/rates update: same pointers/rates files
- Less on-going programming and lower maintenance costs
- Reduced risk of errors
- Less time to get In-Force to the field
- Easier to take advantage of New Business-type functionality